Monte Carlo - Circuit de Monaco
23.05.2025 - 25.05.2025 | Monte Carlo - Circuit de Monaco
Rendelési információk
FIGYELEM: 2022-től az F1-es ülések pénteken, szombaton és vasárnap kerülnek megrendezésre. A csütörtöki napot az összes támogató futamnak szentelik majd.
Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy a Gold kategória 2023-tól NEM tartalmaz boxutcát!
A 16 év alatti gyermekek egy fizető felnőtt kíséretében 50%-os kedvezményt kapnak péntekre, szombatra és vasárnapra, és minden napra külön kell jegyet foglalniuk.Gyermekjegyek nem kaphatók a VIP-, Gold és Silver jegyekre.
Az 5 év alatti gyermekeknek a lelátókon és a beléptető területeken belül a hangzavar miatt nem ajánlott.
Tribune B is located in the mythical Carré d'Or de Monte-Carlo opposite the "Casino de Monte Carlo" and the "Hotel & Café de Paris". Situated at curve 4 you can see the cars driving from Massenet at Casino Square towards Spélugues.
Bucket seats and a big screen are another plus.
Bucket seats and a big screen are another plus.
Tribune B is located in the mythical Carré d'Or de Monte-Carlo opposite the "Casino de Monte Carlo" and the "Hotel & Café de Paris". Situated at curve 4 you can see the cars driving from Massenet at Casino Square towards Spélugues.
Bucket seats and a big screen are another plus.
Bucket seats and a big screen are another plus.
Grandstand B is located in the mythical Carré d'Or de Monte-Carlo opposite the "Casino de Monte Carlo" and the "Hotel & Café de Paris". Situated at curve 4 you can see the cars driving from Massenet at Casino Square towards Spélugues.
Bucket seats and a big screen are another plus.
Bucket seats and a big screen are another plus.
Tribune K extends from the Tabac curve to the chicane at the swimming pool, curve 14. From here you have a fantastic view of the lower part of the race track from the exit of the chicane to the first "S" at the swimming pool. You can also follow the exciting braking and turning manoeuvres in the Tabac curve.
Tribune K extends from the Tabac curve to the chicane at the swimming pool, curve 14. From here you have a fantastic view of the lower part of the race track from the exit of the chicane to the first "S" at the swimming pool. You can also follow the exciting braking and turning manoeuvres in the Tabac curve.
From the Grandstand N you can follow the cars from the Tabac curve to the exit of the "S" at the pool.
From the Grandstand N you can follow the cars from the Tabac curve to the exit of the "S" at the pool.
This grandstand is located in the luxurious centre of the port of Monaco. From here you have the perfect view of the chicanes at the swimming pool. Another advantage is the big screen.
This grandstand is located in the luxurious centre of the port of Monaco. From here you have the perfect view of the chicanes at the swimming pool. Another advantage is the big screen.
This grandstand is located in the luxurious centre of the port of Monaco. From here you have the perfect view of the chicanes at the swimming pool. Another advantage is the big screen.
This grandstand is located in the luxurious centre of the port of Monaco. From here you have the perfect view of the chicanes at the swimming pool. Another advantage is the big screen.
This grandstand is located in the luxurious centre of the port of Monaco. From here you have the perfect view of the chicanes at the swimming pool. Another advantage is the big screen.
From the grandstand P you can follow the cars from the Tabac curve to the exit of the "S" from the pool.
From the grandstand P you can follow the cars from the Tabac curve to the exit of the "S" from the pool.
Tribune K extends from the Tabac curve to the chicane at the swimming pool, curve 14. From here you have a fantastic view of the lower part of the race track from the exit of the chicane to the first "S" at the swimming pool. You can also follow the exciting braking and turning manoeuvres in the Tabac curve.
Tribune K extends from the Tabac curve to the chicane at the swimming pool, curve 14. From here you have a fantastic view of the lower part of the race track from the exit of the chicane to the first "S" at the swimming pool. You can also follow the exciting braking and turning manoeuvres in the Tabac curve.
Tribune K extends from the Tabac curve to the chicane at the swimming pool, curve 14. From here you have a fantastic view of the lower part of the race track from the exit of the chicane to the first "S" at the swimming pool. You can also follow the exciting braking and turning manoeuvres in the Tabac curve.
From the Grandstand N you can follow the cars from the Tabac curve to the exit of the "S" at the pool.
From the Grandstand N you can follow the cars from the Tabac curve to the exit of the "S" at the pool.
From the Grandstand N you can follow the cars from the Tabac curve to the exit of the "S" at the pool.
From the grandstand P you can follow the cars from the Tabac curve to the exit of the "S" from the pool.
From the grandstand P you can follow the cars from the Tabac curve to the exit of the "S" from the pool.
From the grandstand P you can follow the cars from the Tabac curve to the exit of the "S" from the pool.
Standing area Z1 is located on Avenue JF Kennedy, overlooking the straight line in front of the Tabac curve turn off. In this curve the racing cars almost touch the crash barriers at the entrance as well as at the exit in order to maintain their maximum speed.
The Rocher standing room area is located on the hill facing the Princely Palace, towards the old town of Monaco, opposite the harbour.
The Rocher standing room area is located on the hill facing the Princely Palace, towards the old town of Monaco, opposite the harbour.
The Rocher standing room area is located on the hill facing the Princely Palace, towards the old town of Monaco, opposite the harbour.
* Minden ár ÁFÁ-val és szállítási költség nélkül